Dedicate Griffith Library

Fitting Exercises at Danby as New Building is Thrown Open.
Mayor Bigelow of Burlington, Speaker of the Day, Pays Glowing Tribute to the Donor and Rev. H. J. Maillet Also Makes Address—Structure a Handsome One.

Danby, March 25.—(Special.) — In the presence of a large company composed of citizens of this and many other towns of the State, the S L. Griffith Memorial library was formally dedicated this afternoon with fitting exercises in the Congregational church, Mayor Walter J. Bigelow of Burlington delivering the principal address. Rev. H. J. Malliet of East Dorset also spoke, touching principally on the educational advantages represented by the new institution. Music was furnished by Brehmer’s orchestra of Rutland and the choir of the Congregational church.

The library is the gift of the late S. L. Griffith, who left $14,000 for the erection of the building. $5000 for the purchase of books and a fund of $32,000 for the maintenance of the institution, no appropriation being asked from the town. Mr. Griffith died on July 21, 1903, leaving instructions in regard to the library with his executors, W. H. Griffith of Danby and George L. Rice of Rutland, who, acting as trustees of the estate, today formally presented the new structure to the building committee, Mrs. S. L. Griffith. Rev. W. A. McIntire and W. H. Griffith.

Building Handsome One.

The library is a one-story structure, the foundations being of blue marble, and the upper portions of pressed brick and red slate. To the left of the rotunda is the children’s reading room and to the right the adult’s reading room. Both are finished in curly birch. The stock room is at the rear of the building. Both reading rooms are equipped with red brick fireplaces. In the basement is a men’s reading room, with an entrance from the outside, and equipped with magazines and periodicals. The building is lighted with gasoline and has its own gas plant for this purpose. The main structure is about 47 by 28 feet, and there is an all of about the same dimensions. Charles E. Paige of Rutland was the architect, Miss Vera H. Griffith will be the librarian. The committee already has purchased 5000 books and it is planned to add 1000 more soon.

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