A Brief Sketch of One of Danby’s Substantial and Highly Respected Farmers.
We take pleasure in this week presenting to our readers an excellent portrait of Mr. Fletcher R. Hawley, who has been identified with the dairy interests of Danby for more than forty years.
Mr. Hawley was born in April, 1832, in West Arlington, and resided in the town of Arlington and followed the occupation of farming till 1859, when be sold his farm there and removed to Danby, taking up his residence with the late A. D. Smith, for whom he worked eight months at $12 per month —the highest wages at that time paid for farm labor. Mr. Hawley tells us that during that time he labored from twelve to fourteen hours per day, which was the universal custom at that time.
In the same year, 1859, he was married to Anti Catherine Herrick, daughter of William and Hannah (Barrett) Herrick. It was while he was living at Mr. Smith’s that he abandoned the old tallow candle and adopted kerosene oil for illuminating purposes, for the first gallon of which he paid one dollar. The oil was then used in a crude state, and though it burned with a smoky and less brilliant flame than the refined oil now produces, it went much farther than that now in common use.
After remaining with Mr. Smith for one year, Mr. Hawley removed to Danby Four Corners and resided there one year. He then removed to Cambridge, N. Y., in 1861, and carried on a farm owned by David Hawley for five years, or during the Civil War period. In 1866 he returned to Dan by, purchasing and moving onto the farm where he now resides, and where he has since been engaged in the dairy business.
Mrs. Hawley died in 1894, leaving one daughter, who is now the estimable wife of Mr. George Staples of this town. Two other children were born to them —Frederick and Ella—but both died young. In 1895 Mr. Hawley was married to Miss Della M. Jenkins, who is still sharing in his joys and sorrows as they pass along life’s highway together.
Mr. Hawley was elected to represent the town of Danby in 1870, which was the first biennial session of the Ver-mont General Assembly. He also held the office of justice of the peace for two years and served as a lister for a like period.
Mr. Hawley is an unassuming but highly intelligent man, and finds much enjoyment in following the industrious life that has ever been his lot. Time has dealt lightly with him, as our picture indicates, and he appears little changed in general appearance as the editor of the MIRROR remembers him twenty-five or thirty years ago.