The Death of Mr. Stephen W. Phillips Removes From Among us One who Was Greatly Respected and Beloved.
Early last Monday morning Mr. StephenW. Phillips entered into eternal rest, after having spent a long and useful life in Danby. He lacked but two days of reaching the eighty-seventh anniversary of his birth ; and though he was an old man, he would undoubtedly have been able to weather the storms of life’s journey for several more years had he not have been sorely afflicted of late years with Bright’s disease, which also carried with it other ailments at times.
Mr. Phillips was the son of Isaac and Ruth (Lord) Phillips, and was born in Danby, on the farm now owned by Frank Goodwin, October 14, 1816. Two years after his father bought of Joshua Johnson the Ross farm, so called, now owned by R. E. Caswell, and Stephen resided there until he became twenty-one years of age. His father was one of the five children of Stephen Phillips, who came here from Rhode Island in Revolutionary times, and who died in 1863, aged 91 years. His mother died in 1854, aged 70.
Mr. Phillips first began his business career as a peddler of goods about the country, but his experience in this line proved unprofitable. Having learned the art of penmanship, he then took up the teaching of it. He formed classes in the towns and villages in this vicinity, and was so successful in that vocation that he followed teaching penmanship for twenty-two years and laid the foundation for the handsome competency which he afterwards accumulated.
Mr. Phillips has always taken much interest in the beautifying and care of the Danby Cemetery, and with his brother, George, gave to the cemetery association the beautiful wire fence which surrounds the ground, and within which his remains are now reposing in their final resting place. He thought a great deal of his friends, and in later years took much pleasure in throwing open his handsome home for the entertainment of them.
Mr. Phillips was first married to Loretto Andrews of Pittsford, who died in 1863, a few years after their marriage, aged 39 years, and leaving no offspring. He again married, some six or seven years ago, Mrs. Alma Lord, widow of a relative, and a most estimable lady, who survives him. He leaves no near relatives.
The funeral was held at the late residence of the deceased at 1 o’clock Wednesday afternoon, and was very largely attended by his relatives and townsmen and many people from out of town, among whom were Mrs. A. T. Hayden, Windsor; Mrs. E. F. Bowers, Boston, Mass.; Mrs. Noah Walker and son, Clarendon; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, Clarendon; Mrs. Minerva Wylie, Wallingford; Mr. and Mrs. Millard Cook, Manchester Depot; Mr.,and Mrs. Thomas McDaniels, East Dorset; Mrs. Emeline Blanchard, Keene, N. H.; Mrs. H. E. Colburn, Rutland; Mr. Asa Bixby, Ludlow; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dennett, Ludlow; Miss Laura Durfee, Burlington; Mrs. Anna Streeter and daughter, North Dorset.
Rev. H. Clay Searles of the Congregational Church conducted the services, and the choir which rendered the solemnly sweet music of the occasion was composed of Miss Minnie Bushee, Mrs. Cecil McIntyre and Messrs. G. A. Warner and Christian Hass, and among the musical selections were “Nearer My God, to Thee,” “The Sweet Bye and Bye” and “The Home Over There.”
The deceased being one of the collection of old gentlemen familiarly known as the “Boys’ Club,” the other survivors who were able to be present acted as honorary bearers, while the active bearers were Messrs. H. B. Edgerton, A. A. Mathewson, E. E. Bull and F. J. Baker. Mr. L. H. Cook had charge of the funeral details and was assisted by Mr. W. F. Otis.
Mr. Phillips’ death is the fourth one among “The Boys” to occur since their last outing at Lake Griffith in June, 1902—the others who have passed beyond being Messrs. Milo G. Remington of Bennington and E. N. Streeter and S. L. Griffith of this village.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank all those who so kindly assisted us, both in the sickness and burial of our kind husband and father.
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