AUGUST 24, 1911.
Unique Feature of Danby’s Great Celebration -Tables Placed in Apple Orchard-Prominent Speakers.
Yesterday was a great day for Danby. That old town—one hundred and fifty years old Sunday—celebrated the event in a way that will be remembered as long as any person present lives. The morning was given over to reunions and conversation. Every porch in the borough village was crowded with people, it being estimated that seven hundred former residents were on hand for the day. At noon the residents of the town gave a “family dinner,” tables being set for one thousand persons in a large apple orchard. The threatening sky of the morning had cleared, and those who partook were glad of the shade of the trees during the meal. After dinner speeches were made, a stand having been erected in a nearby field. L. H. Cook, first selectman, was the chairman of the day, and with him were seated on the platform the other selectmen, E. G. Smith and Myron Greene, Rev. W. A. McIntire, Rev. George H. Cornell and other prominent citizens. The addresses were delivered by Frederick G. Fleetwood, former secretary of state and candidate for governor of Vermont, and Congressman Frank Plumley. Both of them treated of the historical features of the state’s history, paying a fitting tribute to the energy and patriotism of the early settlers of Danby. The first governor of Vermont was a resident of the town, and many men of mark have come from the villages in this mountainous region. During the afternoon the following musical program was rendered splendidly by local talent: Opening chorus, “Vermont;” duet, selected; solo, “My Old Green Mountain Home:” chorus, national airs; duet with chorus, selected; quartet, “Tell Ye Merry Birds;” solo, selected; closing chorus, “The Star Spangled Banner.” The Wallingford Military band was present all day and played up to their usual mark of excellence.
The evening was marked by the finest display of fireworks ever witnessed by Vermonters of that section. Six hundred dollars had been spent on the pieces, and a professional was present to care for the display. Many from the towns north and south came to Danby for the evening’s gala occasion. Already Danbyites have voted the sesquicentennial a great success, and are thanking those whose energy made it possible. Tomorrow will be given to family reunions, and Sunday will conclude the exercises. Among the attractions planned for tomorrow is a convention of old people, which will bring together nearly one hundred persons past 70 years of age.