AUGUST 27. 1898.
The Herald prints a communication in regard to the senatorial candidacy, of Mr. Griffith of Danby as an advertisement because we hardly consider it of enough importance to print as news. As we understand the matter this opposition to Mr. Griffith represents simply a local feud, and does not concern the general public. Mr. Griffith was nominated in the convention fairly, would unquestionably have been nominated if both the Danby and Mount Tabor delegations had gone against him, and he will unquestionably be elected.
Appeal to Republicans.
To the Republicans of Rutland County:—.
The undersigned, republican voters of Danby and Mount Tabor, invite your attention to the following facts relating to the candidacy of S. L. Griffith for senator:— Mr. Griffith secured the nomination in the county convention through delegates who pretended to represent Danby, but who were never elected by the republicans of that town. This delegation was chosen at a secret caucas, no notice of which was ever given to the public, and at which there were only a few persons present, including Mr. Griffith. A caucus was held in Danby to elect delegates to the county convention, which was regularly warned by the republican town committee, and at which a large number of republicans were present. This caucus elected delegates who were opposed to Mr. Griffith’s nomination, but they were unseated by the county committee, and the Griffith delegates were admitted, in spite of a written protest signed by a large majority of the republican voters of Danby.
We believe that Mr. Griffith ought not to be elected to the Senate of the state of Vermont ; that the same reasons which caused his defeat in 1890 apply with even greater force today, and that the true interests of the republican party in this county and state demand that he should not be elected to that office of trust and honor.
We, therefore, appeal to our fellow republicans in Rutland county to unite with us in voting for Mr. S. M. Rising of Pawlet in the place of Mr. Griffith.
Voters from Danby :—
Voters from Danby :—
G. M. Otis,
L. J. Archer,
John Parris,
George M. Foxon,
C. G. Hinnick,
William H. Lyon,
A. H. Herrick,
H. T Otis,
F. A. Tarbell,
Marshal W. Buxton,
L. B. Parris,
M. Dickinson,
G. E. Porter,
Timothy Rowe,
Daniel Harrington,
Sylvester Harrington,
M. T. Greene,
C. F. Green,
Amos Brown,
William H. Tarbell,
Charles M. Clark,
Paul Hewett,
M. Clark,
William Davison,
A. Waters,
N. Walcott,
George W. Brown,
C. H. Colvin,
H. G. Tabor,
L. W. Baker,
S. C. Stearns,
J. K. Warner,
E. Kelley,
E. N. Kelley,
A. B. Edgerton,
C. B. Edgerton,
C. D. Kelley,
John Johnstone,
James H. Lauery,
A. H. Smith,
Fred A. Smith,
Fred Walcott,
M. E. Maxham.
A. S. Baker,
John Minett,
L. H. Ellis,
Frank Bromley,
Fred Bromley,
Charles H. Baker,
W. F. Otis,
Josiah E. Phillips,
H. H. Stone,
George W. Phillips,
Joseph W. Phillips,
Dighton Maranville,
Emmet B. Marranville,
R. Sherman,
E. R. Sherman,
S. F. Vaughn,
Fred Phillips,
L. C. Beebe,
Frank LaBatt,
William Humphrey,
H. A. Herrick,
Elmer E. Bull,
Kirk M. Bromley,
M. J. Bromley,
Bert Rowe,
W. H. Minett,
James E. Nichols,
F. R. Hawley,
J. F. Baker,
A. J. Scott,
Alfred N. Baker,
Christopher Harrington,
E. J. Scott
Milton E. Hutchinson,
Charles Williams,
B. J. Griffith,
A. J. Kelley,
J. Risdon,
L. Campbell,
George Warner,
H. D. Allen,
A. Shippey,
G. Shippey
Voters from Mount Tabor : —
F. E. Bond,
William I. Risdon,
G. Beswick,
L. P. Howe,
M. F. Millard,
James Baites.—adv.