My Dear Sir:- Your letter of recent date was received in due season. I enclose a little clipping taken from the St Albans Messenger. I thought I would not use it until I could verify it. So if Mr. Griffith did leave directions for his funeral and they are to be followed out I wish you would mail me today or tomorrow the plans for the funeral, who the officiating clergymen, the bearers, the singers, etc, will be.
Then if you would have someone at the telephone at seven o’clock Sunday evening I will call or they may call me on a reverse ticket, and I will get the particulars about the arrival of the body and any other facts you may wish given for publication.
I should not trouble you so much at a time like this but Mr. Griffith had so many friends in this section who have always looked to the Free Press for reliable news about him that I feel we ought to publish these facts as soon RS possible.
Very truly yours,
Mr. Bigelow
Rutland, July 30.—It was learned this morning that ex-Senator Silas L. Griffith, of Danby, the “lumber king,” who died at San ego, Cal., a week ago, gave minute directions regarding his funeral arrangements shortly before his death. He told who he wanted to officiate and who he wanted to sing, and also gave a list of selections to be sung. Everything will be done according to his directions and the funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2 0’clock at Danby, will be an elaborate one. J. Harry Engles, of this city, with have charge of the music.