Free Press & Times
Burlington, November 30, 1898
A pleasant feature of the forenoon session of the Senate was the introduction by Senator Peckett of a resolution of appreciation as follows:
“Resolved, that the sincere thanks of the members of the Senate are hereby tendered to Senator Silas L. Griffith of Rutland county for his generous weekly gift of flowers, whose beauty and fragrance have lent additional charm to the Senate chamber, whose silent but uplifting influence has been felt there from day to day, and whose perfect development has demonstrated beyond question the donor’s enviable success in the production of floral beauties.”
The resolution was unanimously adopted. Senator Griffith was taken entirely by surprise, but spoke feelingly in response. He said the resolution was a genuine surprise and was the highest price he had ever received for flowers. He emphasized his love for them and his interest in their production, and referred eloquently to the language of the various species. The senator was given a hearty round of applause as he took his seat.