A Letter to the Editor of the Brandon Union

The Brandon Union.

Now that the senatorial contest in Rutland county has ended in a victory for the straight Republican ticket, Mr. S. L. Griffith, one of its regular nominees against whom the combined efforts of Democrats and disappointed Republicans were aimed to accomplish his defeat, is all smiles.

The contest in Danby was especially bitter but resulted in his carrying the Republican vote of the town two to one. Although defeated in the total vote by the assistance of Democrats by a very small majority, he has a majority vote in the county of over 2500, which proves conclusively that the better class of Republicans will not sacrifice principles to become parties to local jealousy and envy.

It is thought here that the power known as the Otis postoffice faction in Danby, and which is the outcome of an alliance of Democrats and Republicans solely to defeat Mr. Griffith, has been permanently wiped out in the election of Geraldo Porter for town representative, who, like Mr. Griffith, was a regular nominee on the straight Republican ticket.

As to Mr. Griffith’s standing in this community as a man and his relations with his many employees, which have been so unjustly represented in the Poultney Journal of late, he is not only kind and charitable, but magnanimously generous. Many of his employees can testify to his true worth in the hour of need, having seen long years of service in his employ, and been recipients of his bounty.

His many friends in Danby and Mt. Tabor met on Wednesday evening to pay their respects, and to celebrate his victory in a torchlight parade. J. K. Batchelder of Arlington and Edward McIntyre of Danby in a few well-chosen remarks complimented the citizens for their devotion to Republican principles, and in the election of so worthy a man to the senatorship.

Among the transparencies in the torchlight procession were noticeable the following mottoes:

“The Journal said ‘No.’ Nevertheless we go a majority for our candidate 2600.”

“No split tickets go in Mt. Tabor. Is we in it ? Well, I guess.”

“A large majority of the Republican voters of Danby and Mt. Tabor ask for the defeat of S. L. Griffith. The voters say ‘Nit.’ “

“The straight Republican ticket is a winner.”

“The Rising son has sot.”

“Died, Tuesday, Sept. 6, at 5 p. in., The Poultney Journal.”

The fireworks upon the hillside after the parade were an entertaining feature of the program provided by the employees of Mr. Griffith.

S. L. Griffith has just made sale of two million feet of lumber to the New England Sewing Machine Co., and three hundred thousand feet to other parties.

A game of baseball was played at Danby 4 corners between the Danby team and Tinmouth team in favor of the Danby boys 25 to 2.

S. L. Griffith and Eugene McIntyre leave for Iowa this week to purchase three carloads of horses to be used on their works.

Mt. Tabor, Vt., Sept. 8. 1898.

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