AUGUST 23, 1911.
Six Brothers, Whose Ages Aggregate More Than 420 Years, Receive Returning Relatives–.Other Old Residents of Town.
The Danby sesqui-centennial is having ideal weather conditions. Yesterday the sun was warm, but the air was dry and pleasant. About three hundred former residents and their descendants are in the villages of the town, the most of them in Danby borough. It is remarkable how many old friends they are finding in the town. Danby is a community in which people grow old gracefully and live long. Although the total population is only a little over one thousand, there are within the borders of the town fifty persons more than seventy years of age, thirty past eighty and ten past ninety. One man claims to be one hundred and three years of age and, although he has no records, he cannot be far from right. Chief among the old residents stand the Griffith family—six brothers, all of them past seventy. Three of them live in the town. They are a sturdy lot and retain their memories of the old days without a break. They are holding receptions of former residents at their homes, particularly being called Upon by those who are looking up old family history. Julius Caesar Griffith, the youngest of them, is seventy-four and is giving his friends postals with the pictures of six “boys” on them. Thus far there has not been a break in their ranks, although the oldest, Perry, is eighty-eight. Julius Caesar Griffith and his wife Cleopatra with whom he eloped more than fifty years ago, are familiar figures on the piazza of their house on the main street.
Visitors are expressing their admiration of the progressiveness of this town. Mrs. S. L. Griffith, whose husband was until his death eight years ago the town’s leading citizen, has been offering the Village Improvement society dollar for dollar in all sums raised for improvements. In three years more than $2,400 have been spent for new sidewalks, curbs and trees. Mrs. Griffith is in town for the celebration and is maintaining open house. Her husband left by will an ample endowment for the Congregational church and a beautiful library building with funds to maintain it. Rev. W. A. McIntire, pastor of this church, is the leading spirit behind the Old Home week and to him much of the success is due. Among those who registered yesterday are Mrs. Charles C. Alcoa and Miss Helen Alcott, of this city. Today will be the big day, with addresses by prominent Vermont citizens.